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Current Affairs
Korea in Focus
Stories from a still divided Country North Korea, still supported by Beijing, is rumoured to suffer from continuous famine and is run as a communist regime with Stalinist overtones. The South, heavily supported by Washington, is ruled as a Western-style democracy where shopping malls have appeared on every corner. This economic wealth may not necessarily make South Koreans happier than their Northern brothers and sisters, yet, a growing number of North Koreans risk their lives to get out of what many call the “Hell of the North”. These films have been made thanks to the courage and determination of a number of thoughtful freedom fighters, and their audiovisual brothers in arms, supporting those who no longer would live within the framework of a deadlock society.
Political Assassinations
Investigations into Murders Which Changed our Modern Times Even in recent years many politically motivated murders made a significant impact on our lives. These documentaries take an in-depth look at the most monstrous killings. They offer the viewer keys to understand these murders. A critical glance is put on every case to understand: who are the accused persons ? Are they really guilty? Who were the victims? Why these murders? What are the circumstances of the killings? What was at stake behind these disappearances? The viewer will dive into the heart of inquiries very often exceeding the scope of a murderer, and echoing complex geopolitical conflicts and ambivalent relations of power. The stories behind the disappearances of significant political leaders will no doubt assist in gaining a better understanding of the convulsions of our Modern Times.
Investigations into Majors Events that have changed our History and determine our Future While you are reading this present note, somewhere else in this world, a Revolution is doubtlessly being prepared. We believe, that it is important to uncover the sometimes hidden reasons that have motivated people behind a revolution. It is vital to bring light to the non-confessed causes, those that usually stay behind the scenes. From those who pursue the revolution, and from those who are against it. By means of clarifying the hidden agendas and revealing the reasoning of both sides, we will provide the viewer with information that allows him to judge by his own.
World Chronicles
Issues such as the current financial crises, the tense conflict between Georgia and Russia, the tense situation in Afghanistan/Pakistan, Climate change, Food crisis, … (the listing is never ending), have an undeniable global impact and need to explanations going beyond the simple enumeration of facts: what do they mean, what do they entail, how are they interrelated with other global issues? In addition, global issues have different impacts on different parts of the World. After having contextualised the information, it needs to be localised: what does it mean for us?
Social issues
New Africa
All around the African continent a new conscience of independence and pride is growing with determination. This new Africa, aware of today’s difficulties and the problems of the past, faces up to the inherent oppositions to it’s development with the courage and assurance of a population resolutely focused on the future.
China Screen
Chronicles from a Changing Empire For a few years now China has been undergoing considerable changes. The implosion of the Soviet Empire, the reforms and opening-up policy, the advent of consumerism and the emergence of modernity: important challenges to meet, both socially and economically. Although the country has gained considerable international influence, it’s inner mechanisms actually remain largely unknown. Between the «yellow peril» and an economic miracle, one often forgets to consider the 1.3 billion Chinese citizens attempting to find their place in a completely new context. That’s why we feel it is important to talk about «the New China» differently: through an exceptional portfolio of human-interest stories, filmed from the inside by young independent Chinese filmmakers. By observing its diversity, in the cities and in the countryside, with the young and families, with rich and poor, but always with ordinary people. The curious viewer will find here a compelling mosaic revealing a mysterious, complex and authentic China.
Global Citizen
Documentaries on the issue of the Future of our Planet Environment, energy, the diversity of species and peoples, food security, world governance… given today’s complexities, the list is long. While refusing to draw alarmist conclusions, to provide a platform for pessimistic speeches or obtrusive slogans, those films are a space for Citizens who chose to objectively open their eyes on the world around them. They fight in one way or other for an acceptable Tomorrow. There is a good chance they have in mind the Indian saying « the earth is a gift of our parents and a lending of our children ».
French Stories, Great and Small
The documentaries of our portfolio will seek to meet individuals, from every corner of France, who continue to believe in Solidarity, in the peaceful coexistence of Tradition and Modernity, in the respect for the Other, and for his difference. And who, with this conviction in their heart, fight for their dignity and that of others. Realities, torments and fancies of what some people would like to call «the lower France». For our part, we prefer to name it «France in its daily life». And who knows, maybe what we will find might not be confined to France?
To encounter other peoples across the four corners of the globe, and bring back fascinating stories of their lives recounted via sublime photography: this is the all-encompassing aim of the Explora Portfolio. For this discovery to become authentic, we must have a genuine desire to understand what is important for another person, for another people: from whence does he build his dreams; his anxieties; his routines; his whole life. Then the Encounter itself becomes an open gateway to embellish the diverse and multi-polar world that we live in.
The Great Mekong
The Great Wall of China
The Olive Route
Meeting the men and women of the Mediterranean whose lives surround the olive – a collection of exceptional documentaries inspired by the best-selling Olive Farm book series by Carol Drinkwater.
The Summer Palace
The Tea Road
Seasons of the Bay
Points de Vue
Unexpected Takes on our World in Motion Offer an opportunity to discover uncommon cinema works, uncompromising artistic views; Explore resolutely independent new styles, leaving formats way behind; Present a window of today’s and tomorrow’s creations, a reflection of a cinema seeing itself as a means of social resistance; Escape from usual genre or style classifications, advocate an intense desire to break through conventional borderlines; Reshape our landmarks and common sense; Let go of what we are used to seeing or hearing; Dive into the heart of remarkable stories, each one having its own way of showing and questioning the world around us. The films in the Points de Vue Portfolio open out to other universes and horizons, offering to grab new strings leading to a better, maybe a deeper understanding of the twists and turns of reality And to share, for the duration of a screening, a film maker’s different vision of the world.
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About us
Our films
Current Affairs
Korea in Focus
Stories from a still divided Country North Korea, still supported by Beijing, is rumoured to suffer from continuous famine and is run as a communist regime with Stalinist overtones. The South, heavily supported by Washington, is ruled as a Western-style democracy where shopping malls have appeared on every corner. This economic wealth may not necessarily make South Koreans happier than their Northern brothers and sisters, yet, a growing number of North Koreans risk their lives to get out of what many call the “Hell of the North”. These films have been made thanks to the courage and determination of a number of thoughtful freedom fighters, and their audiovisual brothers in arms, supporting those who no longer would live within the framework of a deadlock society.
Political Assassinations
Investigations into Murders Which Changed our Modern Times Even in recent years many politically motivated murders made a significant impact on our lives. These documentaries take an in-depth look at the most monstrous killings. They offer the viewer keys to understand these murders. A critical glance is put on every case to understand: who are the accused persons ? Are they really guilty? Who were the victims? Why these murders? What are the circumstances of the killings? What was at stake behind these disappearances? The viewer will dive into the heart of inquiries very often exceeding the scope of a murderer, and echoing complex geopolitical conflicts and ambivalent relations of power. The stories behind the disappearances of significant political leaders will no doubt assist in gaining a better understanding of the convulsions of our Modern Times.
Investigations into Majors Events that have changed our History and determine our Future While you are reading this present note, somewhere else in this world, a Revolution is doubtlessly being prepared. We believe, that it is important to uncover the sometimes hidden reasons that have motivated people behind a revolution. It is vital to bring light to the non-confessed causes, those that usually stay behind the scenes. From those who pursue the revolution, and from those who are against it. By means of clarifying the hidden agendas and revealing the reasoning of both sides, we will provide the viewer with information that allows him to judge by his own.
World Chronicles
Issues such as the current financial crises, the tense conflict between Georgia and Russia, the tense situation in Afghanistan/Pakistan, Climate change, Food crisis, … (the listing is never ending), have an undeniable global impact and need to explanations going beyond the simple enumeration of facts: what do they mean, what do they entail, how are they interrelated with other global issues? In addition, global issues have different impacts on different parts of the World. After having contextualised the information, it needs to be localised: what does it mean for us?
Social issues
New Africa
All around the African continent a new conscience of independence and pride is growing with determination. This new Africa, aware of today’s difficulties and the problems of the past, faces up to the inherent oppositions to it’s development with the courage and assurance of a population resolutely focused on the future.
China Screen
Chronicles from a Changing Empire For a few years now China has been undergoing considerable changes. The implosion of the Soviet Empire, the reforms and opening-up policy, the advent of consumerism and the emergence of modernity: important challenges to meet, both socially and economically. Although the country has gained considerable international influence, it’s inner mechanisms actually remain largely unknown. Between the «yellow peril» and an economic miracle, one often forgets to consider the 1.3 billion Chinese citizens attempting to find their place in a completely new context. That’s why we feel it is important to talk about «the New China» differently: through an exceptional portfolio of human-interest stories, filmed from the inside by young independent Chinese filmmakers. By observing its diversity, in the cities and in the countryside, with the young and families, with rich and poor, but always with ordinary people. The curious viewer will find here a compelling mosaic revealing a mysterious, complex and authentic China.
Global Citizen
Documentaries on the issue of the Future of our Planet Environment, energy, the diversity of species and peoples, food security, world governance… given today’s complexities, the list is long. While refusing to draw alarmist conclusions, to provide a platform for pessimistic speeches or obtrusive slogans, those films are a space for Citizens who chose to objectively open their eyes on the world around them. They fight in one way or other for an acceptable Tomorrow. There is a good chance they have in mind the Indian saying « the earth is a gift of our parents and a lending of our children ».
French Stories, Great and Small
The documentaries of our portfolio will seek to meet individuals, from every corner of France, who continue to believe in Solidarity, in the peaceful coexistence of Tradition and Modernity, in the respect for the Other, and for his difference. And who, with this conviction in their heart, fight for their dignity and that of others. Realities, torments and fancies of what some people would like to call «the lower France». For our part, we prefer to name it «France in its daily life». And who knows, maybe what we will find might not be confined to France?
To encounter other peoples across the four corners of the globe, and bring back fascinating stories of their lives recounted via sublime photography: this is the all-encompassing aim of the Explora Portfolio. For this discovery to become authentic, we must have a genuine desire to understand what is important for another person, for another people: from whence does he build his dreams; his anxieties; his routines; his whole life. Then the Encounter itself becomes an open gateway to embellish the diverse and multi-polar world that we live in.
The Great Mekong
The Great Wall of China
The Olive Route
Meeting the men and women of the Mediterranean whose lives surround the olive – a collection of exceptional documentaries inspired by the best-selling Olive Farm book series by Carol Drinkwater.
The Summer Palace
The Tea Road
Seasons of the Bay
Points de Vue
Unexpected Takes on our World in Motion Offer an opportunity to discover uncommon cinema works, uncompromising artistic views; Explore resolutely independent new styles, leaving formats way behind; Present a window of today’s and tomorrow’s creations, a reflection of a cinema seeing itself as a means of social resistance; Escape from usual genre or style classifications, advocate an intense desire to break through conventional borderlines; Reshape our landmarks and common sense; Let go of what we are used to seeing or hearing; Dive into the heart of remarkable stories, each one having its own way of showing and questioning the world around us. The films in the Points de Vue Portfolio open out to other universes and horizons, offering to grab new strings leading to a better, maybe a deeper understanding of the twists and turns of reality And to share, for the duration of a screening, a film maker’s different vision of the world.
French Stories, Great and Small
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Secrets of High-Provence (6 x 25′)
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The Priest and the Archangel
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