There is a huge region in the South of France, ranging from the high alpine mountains down to the Côte d’Azur. It is neither fully coast land, nor sheer mountain terrain : it is precisely in-between, and it is called the High Provence. Since it is between two extremes, it has a bit of both, and therefore unites unique characteristics that cannot be found elsewhere. In six episodes, this series shall look at some of the many original traditions that have made this part of Southern France so special: Ep. 1 – The Olive Masters Ep. 2 – Cords and Rivers Ep. 3 – Green Grass of Home Ep. 4 – Labour Companions Ep. 5 – Remembering Traditions Ep. 6 – Summer Jobs The women and men living in these parts are conscious about the value of their traditions and make sure not to loose them in the light of the Cyber Revolution.